Thursday, November 5, 2009
Malaysian Fish Curry
4:56 PM
Assam Pedas Tenggiri
450g to 500g mackerel (ikan tenggiri), cut into slices and seasoned to taste with salt and pepper
2 stalks lemon grass, smashed
2 sprigs polygonum (daun kesom)
1/2 tsp Maggi belacan granules
l 1/2 cups tamarind juice
(A) Grind or pound finely:
12 to 15 red chillies
10 shallots
2 cloves garlic
l.5cm fresh tumeric
Salt and sugar to taste
Dash of pepper
1 bunga kantan, sliced thinly
Deep fry fish in hot oil until lightly brown. Remove fish and drain well. Leave two to three tablespoons of oil in the pan. Add lemon grass and ground ingredients. Fry until aromatic.
Add daun kesom and tamarind juice. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for five minutes. Add seasoning and fish.
Simmer until gravy is according to desired thickness. Scoop into a serving bowl and garnish.
Serve hot with rice.
Original resaurce